SOLO, MettaNEWS – To strengthen and enhance relationships, Fiesta Bintang Lima processed chicken producer held an iftar together with the media as part of the long-established synergy.
The Fiesta Ramadan safari activities span from Jakarta, Semarang, Solo, Surabaya to Sumatra.
In Surakarta, the Fiesta’s gathering with the media took place at Swiss Bel Hotel Saripetojo on Saturday (16/3/2024).
PT Chaoren Pokphand Gun Affandy’s Food Division introduced its staff to the Surakarta journalists.
“These are our staff who are ready to serve all friends. Please contact them if you need any information or support. No need to hesitate because we and journalists are family,” said Gun Affandy.
The iftar with the Surakarta journalists and Fiesta was lively and warm. The Surakarta media also enthusiastically participated in the quizzes prepared by the committee.
The Chairman of PWI Surakarta, Anas Sahirul, expressed that PWI Surakarta positively welcomes the spirit of togetherness established by Fiesta-PWI.
“Surakarta this time is an attractive city and the second most important city after Jakarta. Because in Surakarta, this is where President Jokowi and Vice Presidential Candidate Mas Gibran are. Both are important figures that attract the attention of the press. So, all media place their journalists in Surakarta. Including media from Jakarta. So, building relationships with journalists here has a very strategic value for Fiesta,” explained Anas.
The Ramadan safari iftar with Fiesta and journalists started from Aston Kemayoran Hotel in Central Jakarta with the PWI Central officials and media figures. With the theme, “Making the Ramadan Fasting Moment to Strengthen Good Relations Between Fiesta and Media Colleagues and Journalists,” on Thursday (14/3/2024).
Present at this Iftar Together were Commissioner of PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia Tbk Suparman, Food Division PT Charoen Pokphand Gun Affandy, Chairman of the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) Central Hendry Ch Bangun accompanied by PWI Secretary General Sayid Iskandarsyah.
Commissioner of PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesian Tbk, Suparman, in his speech in Jakarta, appreciated this activity as a means of building relationships between the company and the press who have supported their company all this time.
“With the help of journalists, Fiesta products have been known to the public. For that, on behalf of the management, we express our gratitude for the collaboration so far,” said Suparman.
Suparman added that Fiesta processed products are guaranteed for their hygiene and halal certification. Because Fiesta producers use equipment that meets health standards. And they are handled by workers who understand Islamic sharia on slaughter procedures, thus meeting Halal standards.
Suparman hopes that in the future, cooperation between Fiesta and the Media Community will continue to be improved.